Unlocking Investment Intelligence: Our Investment in Dealroom.co

Feb 24

4 min.

Unlocking Investment Intelligence: Our Investment in Dealroom.co

We are pleased to announce our participation in the latest funding round for Dealroom.co (“Dealroom”), a global leader in financial and company information. Founded in 2013 in Amsterdam, Dealroom has become an essential platform for M&A, venture capital, and private equity data. Dealroom.co employs a team of over 60 people.

What & Why

In today's data-driven world, Dealroom stands out as a comprehensive intelligence platform that serves investors, founders, governments, and executives globally and enables them to identify and track promising companies. While many platforms have a U.S.-centric focus, Dealroom.co offers a global perspective, including robust data on the European startup and investment ecosystem. The financial and company information market is a $27 billion industry, with the private company information sector growing the fastest. Dealroom is not just a dataprovider; it is a comprehensive intelligence platform that empowers investors, founders, governments, and executives with actionable insights.

Investment Thesis

Our decision to invest in Dealroom is driven by several key factors:

  • Global Market Opportunity: The financial and company information market is a $27 billion industry, with a focus on private company information. Dealroom is well-positioned to capture a significant share of this market due to its global data coverage.
  • Product Excellence: Dealroom.co's diverse suite of products, including their Global Data Platform, Ecosystem, API, and Research services, caters to a wide array of customer needs. These tools collectively elevate Dealroom.co as a leader in delivering investment intelligence.
  • Team: Led by Yoram Wijngaarde, the Dealroom team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in M&A, Telecom, Media, and Technology. Their strong background and commitment to innovation make them ideal leaders for the company's future success.

We're pleased to participate in Dealroom’s latest funding round and look forward to supporting their growth!

For more information about Dealroom you can visit their website: https://dealroom.co/.

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